Rust Mongodb 简单使用
Rust Mongodb
mongodb = {version = "2.3.1", features = ["tokio-sync"]}
use mongodb::sync::{Client, Collection};
mongodb = {version = "2.3.1"}
use mongodb::{Client, Collection};
连接 Mongodb
impl Client {
pub fn with_uri_str(url: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<Self>
impl Client {
pub async fn with_uri_str(url: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<Self>
连接到 database
impl Client {
pub fn database(&self, name: &str) -> Database
连接到 collection
impl Database {
pub fn collection<T>(&self, name: &str) -> Collection<T>
collection 操作
异步和同步代码就差一个 await
impl <T> Collection<T> { pub fn find( &self, filter: impl Into<Option<Document>>, options: impl Into<Option<FindOptions>> ) -> Result<Cursor<T>> }
impl <T> Collection<T> { pub fn find_one( &self, filter: impl Into<Option<Document>>, options: impl Into<Option<FindOneOptions>> ) } -> Result<Option<T>>
[builder] FindOptions 与 FindOneOptions
pub struct FindOptions { pub allow_disk_use: Option<bool>, pub allow_partial_results: Option<bool>, pub batch_size: Option<u32>, pub comment: Option<String>, pub cursor_type: Option<CursorType>, pub hint: Option<Hint>, pub limit: Option<i64>, pub max: Option<Document>, pub max_await_time: Option<Duration>, pub max_scan: Option<u64>, pub max_time: Option<Duration>, pub min: Option<Document>, pub no_cursor_timeout: Option<bool>, pub projection: Option<Document>, pub read_concern: Option<ReadConcern>, pub return_key: Option<bool>, pub selection_criteria: Option<SelectionCriteria>, pub show_record_id: Option<bool>, pub skip: Option<u64>, pub sort: Option<Document>, pub collation: Option<Collation>, pub let_vars: Option<Document>, }
pub struct FindOneOptions { pub allow_partial_results: Option<bool>, pub collation: Option<Collation>, pub comment: Option<String>, pub hint: Option<Hint>, pub max: Option<Document>, pub max_scan: Option<u64>, pub max_time: Option<Duration>, pub min: Option<Document>, pub projection: Option<Document>, pub read_concern: Option<ReadConcern>, pub return_key: Option<bool>, pub selection_criteria: Option<SelectionCriteria>, pub show_record_id: Option<bool>, pub skip: Option<u64>, pub sort: Option<Document>, pub let_vars: Option<Document>, }
返回类型 Cursor
if let Ok(cursor) = collection.find(None, None) { for result in cursor { println!("{:?}", result); } }
use futures::stream::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; let mut cursor = collection.find(None, None).await?; while let Some(doc) = { println!("{}", doc?); } let mut cursor = collection.find(None, None).await?; while let Some(doc) = cursor.try_next().await? { println!("{}", doc); }
impl <T> Collection<T> { pub fn insert_many( &self, docs: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Borrow<T>>, options: impl Into<Option<InsertManyOptions>> ) -> Result<InsertManyResult> }
impl <T> Collection<T> { pub fn insert_one( &self, doc: impl Borrow<T>, options: impl Into<Option<InsertOneOptions>> ) -> Result<InsertOneResult> }
[builder] InsertManyOptions 与 InsertOneOptions
pub struct InsertManyOptions { pub bypass_document_validation: Option<bool>, pub ordered: Option<bool>, pub write_concern: Option<WriteConcern>, }
pub struct InsertOneOptions { pub bypass_document_validation: Option<bool>, pub write_concern: Option<WriteConcern>, }
返回类型 InsertManyResult 与 InsertOneResult
pub struct InsertManyResult { pub inserted_ids: HashMap<usize, Bson>, }
pub struct InsertOneResult { pub inserted_id: Bson, }
impl <T> Collection<T> { pub fn delete_many( &self, query: Document, options: impl Into<Option<DeleteOptions>> ) -> Result<DeleteResult> }
impl <T> Collection<T> { pub fn delete_one( &self, query: Document, options: impl Into<Option<DeleteOptions>> ) -> Result<DeleteResult> }
[builder] DeleteOptions
pub struct DeleteOptions { pub collation: Option<Collation>, pub write_concern: Option<WriteConcern>, pub hint: Option<Hint>, pub let_vars: Option<Document>, }
返回类型 DeleteResult
pub struct DeleteResult { pub deleted_count: u64, }
impl <T> Collection<T> { pub fn update_many( &self, query: Document, update: impl Into<UpdateModifications>, options: impl Into<Option<UpdateOptions>> ) -> Result<UpdateResult> }
impl <T> Collection<T> { pub fn update_one( &self, query: Document, update: impl Into<UpdateModifications>, options: impl Into<Option<UpdateOptions>> ) -> Result<UpdateResult> }
[builder] UpdateModifications
Both Document and Vec<Document> implement Into<UpdateModifications>, so either can be passed in place of constructing the enum case
返回类型 UpdateResult
pub struct UpdateResult { pub matched_count: u64, pub modified_count: u64, pub upserted_id: Option<Bson>, }
impl <T> Collection<T> { pub fn replace_one( &self, query: Document, replacement: impl Borrow<T>, options: impl Into<Option<ReplaceOptioins>> ) -> Result<UpdateResult> }
[builder] ReplaceOptions
pub struct ReplaceOptions { pub bypass_document_validation: Option<bool>, pub upsert: Option<bool>, pub collation: Option<Collation>, pub hint: Option<Hint>, pub write_concern: Option<WriteConcern>, pub let_vars: Option<Document>, }
Document 类型
Document 类型使用 doc!
宏来构造,写的时候参考 json
let doc = doc! {"title": {"$set": "hello"}};
let doc = doc! {"age": {"$eq": 1}};